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সিএসআইআর - সেন্ট্রাল মেকানিক্যাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং রিসার্চ ইনস্টিটিউট, বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি মন্ত্রণালয়, ভারত সরকার सीएसआईआर - केंद्रीय यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान, विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार CSIR - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Ministry of S&T, Govt. of India
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Last updated : 19 Jul, 2023

জ্ঞান সম্পদ কেন্দ্র


The Knowledge Resource Center's facilities are housed in a two storeyed separate building comprising an area over 15000 sqft (1350 sqm) with a well furnished air-conditioned reading hall and an Electronic Library built on the most modern lines in the ground floor. The bound journals, standards and other documents are stored in the first floor.CMERI Knowledge Resource Centre

It has a comprehensive collection of literatures predominantly related to mechanical engineering and its allied areas for meeting the present and future information needs of its users. Some of the major services rendered by the library are reference, reprographic, database search services, audio-visual facility, articles supply on request, documentation services like CAS, bibliographic and such other services. The automated library system greatly facilitates searching for books, journals, articles etc.


A rich collection of over 65,000 documents (books, bound journals, standards, CD-ROMs etc). Latest journals & periodicals 107 ( 66 foreign) and Video-cassettes on technical topics.

CD-ROM databases

EI- COMPENDEX (Engineering index from 1990-2004)
Current Contents- ECT (Engineering, Computing & Technology)
Full-Images of US Patents on CD-ROM (1988-1999) & now it is available free in public domain
INPAT (Bibliographic database on Indian Patents from 1972-1997)
ASTM standards on CD-ROM
BIS & BSI standards catalogue on CD-ROM
Failure Analysis on CD-ROM
NUCSSI on CD-ROM (National Union Catalogues of Scientific Serials in India)


Computerised issue/return Circulation staff only have to scan the barcode and press a function key to initiate the transaction. It helps in quicker data entry and more accurate circulation transactions.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)The library holdings are accessed by a computerized Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). It allows searches for materials by key-words, or through several access points like author, title, subject and call number of publication. Our user-friendly OPAC enables searches to be conducted with ease and speed.
CSIR-CMERI OPAC can be accessed at http://opac.cmeri.res.in. (OPAC available on Monday to Friday between 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM)

Inter-library Loan servicesThe Information Services Group offers inter-library loan service to its users for the books and periodicals not available in the Library by borrowing them from other libraries. The Library, in turn also lends its resources to the other libraries. Borrowing Library is responsible for loss or mutilation of documents during transit

Reference ServicesInformation Services Group helps the users in selecting sources of information and also to assist in locating the required material.

Reprographic ServicesInformation Services Group provides xerox equipment for quick photocopying service.

E-Journal Access:

1800 Elsevier Journals
Other full-text journals
Journal of Robotic Systems
Journal of Structural Engineering
Rapid Prototyping Journal
Interfaces Journal
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (JAMS)
ASME Journals
American Chemical Society
Blackwell Publishers
Royal Society of Chemistry
Cambridge University Press
American Institute of Physics
Oxford University Press


Head, Knowledge Resource Center
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
Durgapur-713209, West Bengal, India
Phone: 91-343-6452192 / 6452024
FAX : 91-343-2548204/2546745
E-Mail: //lib [at] cmeri [dot] res [dot] in

Contact Us: Online Public Access Catalouge