IPR Status:
Secured In:
এই ব্যবস্থাটি চারিদিকে যানবাহন থেকে 10 মিটার দূরত্ব পর্যন্ত কুয়াশা এবং জেট আকারে জল সহ উত্তেজক মিশ্রণ স্প্রে করতে পারে।
Salient Technical Competing Features:
User option for spraying left, right, front, back or all side
Spraying about 10m distance through nozzles
Widespread near mist spray
Status of Commercialization:
Technology was transferred to M/s Himatsingka Agencies Pvt.Ltd., Bhagalpur Road, Dumka-814101, Jharkhand
Major Raw Materials To Be Utilized :
Manual, valves, pump, Bifurcated water tank, SS Pipe, BSP Pipe Tee, Nipples, spray nozzle, flexible hose, pipe clamp, groove pulley, V belt, switch box and electrical wiring, steel structure
Techno Economic:
Technology Transfer Fee: Rs.8.0 Lakh excl.GST
Content Details:
Jet spray and widespread mist
No. of nozzles: 11 (mist forming)
Tank in vehicle: irritant-water mixture
Mode of operation: Manual override/Electrical (Optional)
Option of Spray: All round, Selectively in one side (Optional)
Suction capacity: 50 LPM
Power: 5 HP
Level/Scale of Development:
• Designed & developed the prototype in different categories of MCV & demonstrated to MHA Committee. • Its QR/TD has been recommended by MHA committee and subsequently approved by DG, CRPF in March, 2022