स्वागत, Saturday , Dec , 21 , 2024 | 22:47 IST
स्वागत, Saturday , Dec , 21 , 2024 | 22:47 IST
निविदा संख्या | निविदा विवरण | तिथि व निविदा खोलने के समय | निविदा डाउनलोड | अधिक |
09/10/2017-18/ESD |
Supply of labour for construction of long part of concrete pavement and guard wall using recycled solid waste at CSIR-CMERI Colony. The tender notice, tender qualification, NIT etc. available on Central Public Procurement Portal (http://etenders.gov.in). The tender shall be accepted through e-tender mode only. |
15/12/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (22.58 KB) | विवरण |
PUR/122/ITG/04/2017-18 |
Facility Management Services (FMS) for Campus wide Computer Network (LAN/WAN) at CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur |
16/11/2017 - 14:30 | डाउनलोड (307.78 KB) | विवरण |
PUR/92/CAMP/06/2017-18 |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of High Temperature Vacuum Tribometer. |
30/11/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (550.26 KB) | विवरण |
02/2017/Hort. |
Annual Contract for House Keeping, Horticulture and Manpower Service at CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur - 713209 |
11/10/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (215.75 KB) | विवरण |
Annual Rate Contract For Supply of Solar PV Panels |
26/10/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (440.13 KB) | विवरण |
PUR/53/EEG/02/2017-18 |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 50 kWp Rooftop Solar PV Power Plant. |
12/10/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (688.26 KB) | विवरण |
05/05/2017-18/ESD |
Procurement of stone boulders and laying of dry stone masonry retaining wall beside Executive Guest House at CSIR-CMERI Colony, Dgp-9. |
25/10/2017 - 15:00 | विवरण | |
N/A |
21/09/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (281.01 KB) | विवरण |
PUR/07/SET/05/2017-18 |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of High Speed Camera with suitable lens / microscope for capturing the motion of fluids in ink jet printing / micro-fluidic experiments. |
27/07/2017 - 15:00 | डाउनलोड (779.91 KB) | विवरण |
7/11&18/2016-17/ESD |
सीएसआईआर- सी एम ई आर आई कालोनी दुर्गापुर-9 पर एमएस - IV भवन, डी II / 23/1 और 2, पी -12 , जे -2, और 10 , बी ( 19-23), आर ( 2 और 4 ) कर्मचारी आबास का छत एबं एम -10 सीढ़ी और छत का पानी- प्रोतिरोध का काम |
06/10/2016 - 15:00 | विवरण |