स्वागत, Thursday , Mar , 06 , 2025 | 17:57 IST
स्वागत, Thursday , Mar , 06 , 2025 | 17:57 IST
The proposed course emphasizes on practical training in combination with necessary theoretical aspects on advance manufacturing areas. This course is designed in a way for the personnel who would like to take up careers in manufacturing, particularly at the process level and also for the personnel who are already in manufacturing careers and would like to get acquainted with technological changes that the manufacturing industry have witnessed in the last 5 decades.
All the major economies in the world plummeted due to industries that are innovative in product design and efficient manufacturing. The key to knowledge deployment in a growing economy requires acquaintance of students with the fundamentals of advance manufacturing through pedagogy on current theoretical and practical developments. The manufacturing course will give a detailed understanding of advance manufacturing by covering topics such as macro to sub-micro level metal removal process, CAD & CAM, near net shape manufacturing processes, Additive manufacturing and precision measurement and quality assurance. This practical intensive course backed by theoretical lecture will contribute significantly to national skill development initiatives for sustainable empowerment.
The programme traverses a wide range of applications that includes manufacturing methods, computer integration and process & device control, with specific emphasis on innovative engineering. The one Year Post Graduate program aims to provide exposure to the manufacturing concepts, scientific principles, methodology and hands-on experience on advanced real-life R&D projects.
At the end of the course, engineers are expected to be equipped with set of skills and knowledge to apply technical fundamentals of Industrial Maintenance to address needs of the industries in order to ensure high system dependability and efficient and effective maintenance processes for both new and existing systems.
Eligibility: BE/BTech/AMIE in Mechanical/Manufacturing/Production Engineering or equivalent