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Last updated : 4 Oct, 2019

Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste utilizing high temperature Plasma

Type:  Equipment
IPR Status:  Copyright
Secured In:  India

Effective utilization of high temperature (>3000 oC) Plasma arc forecofriendly disposal of municipal solid waste material generated on daily basis and generation of fuel gas containing predominantly CO and H2.

Salient Technical Competing Features: 

 Mechanized handling of waste to avoid health hazard to the associated workers
 Eco-friendly disposal of municipal solid waste through utilizing high temperature ionized gas /electric arc with significantly low level of toxin generation
 Large volume reduction, slag is 1/250th of the volume of processed solid waste
 Generation of fuel gas containing predominantly CO & H2
 Unique gas cleaning system to minimize the dust accumulation in the generated fuel gas
 Special design consideration to prevent leakage of gas from the system during regular operation
 Storing facility of generated fuel gas
 Energy harvesting from generated gases through generation of electricity
 Utility of slag as construction material

Environmental Consideration: 

Eco-friendly disposal with generation of fuel gas containing insignificant amount of toxin.

Status of Commercialization:  Technology transferred to M/s Positronics Innovation Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata, WB.
Major Raw Materials To Be Utilized :  Major components: Shredder, Inclined Bucket Conveyor, Plasma Cracker, Plasma Torch, Catalytic Convertor, Redox Reactor, Scrubber, Condenser, Induced draft fan, compressor, Gas holder, Gas Engine etc. Complete steel structure fabricated using Mild Steel
Techno Economic:  Available on enquiry basis. Safe disposal of solid waste without generating toxins for atmospheric pollution is the main objective of this development. It also produces electric power at the rate of 7 KW from 25 Kg/h MSW input
Technology Package:  Technical Information containing process flow, detail Engineering, components specifications, operation and maintenance details, troubleshooting etc.
Level/Scale of Development:  Technology Readiness Level, TRL-7. Technology already demonstrated & licensed to one Indian Industry on non-exclusive basis for commercialization.