Welcome, Tuesday , Mar , 25 , 2025 | 17:36 IST
Welcome, Tuesday , Mar , 25 , 2025 | 17:36 IST
Room # BA 125, First Floor, Institute Main Building
CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur 713209, West Bengal
Phone: 0343-6510232; E-mail: tuc_cmeri [at] cmeri [dot] res [dot] in
India is a developing country with an enormous potential of emerging as a knowledge leader in the global scenario. The role of innovation in this context therefore can not be overemphasized, and the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Government of India (DSIR) is perfectly justified in reaching out to tap the resource pool of innovation in the country through programmes like the PRISM. Though a major component is devoted to the small and medium enterprises constituting a major plank in the Indian economy, the programme also realizes that development should lead not only to new products and technologies, but also to new approaches to improving the livelihoods of rural poor.
As a result, in the development realm there is no such thing as a purely technological innovation, as each innovation entails enabling changes at social, institutional and policy levels. Innovation is needed both to develop new practices and technologies, in order to address rural poverty, and to facilitate an empowering institutional and policy environment for innovation.
The cooperation in innovation between firms in the manufacturing and service sectors, research institutions and government sponsored promotional agencies continues to grow in importance in this emerging paradigm of innovation-catalysed business success and economic growth. Innovation management is also considered to be a major instrument to increase the innovation capacity of small and medium-sized companies (SME).
The goal of the strategy to popularize PRISM is to ensure that innovation is systematically and effectively mainstreamed in processes and in its practice in region and cluster specific programmes. And as an outreach component of the overall programme, the purpose of this strategy is to enhance TOCIC-CMERI'S capacity to work with partners to find and promote new and better products, novel and innovative services and unique ways to enable the rural poor to overcome poverty.
TOCIC-CMERI relies on a promotion strategy intrinsically incremental in nature, that builds on current efforts, and focuses on elements of people, processes, environment and outcomes - that require specific attention. To strengthen its innovative capabilities and become a better catalyst of high technology and society-induced innovation, TOCIC-CMERI proposes to focus on four clusters of activities as under:
Sl. | Title of Project | Status |
1. | Alternate Growth Medium for Rice Straw Mushroom for increasing production per unit space | Process developed successfully. |
2. | Electricity from Tidal Waves | Working principle validated through model demonstration. |
3. | Portable Microscope Slide Projector (Teaching Aid) | Four variants of the prototype developed. The innovator has been advised to either commercialize the product or to involve the NRDC for appropriate commercialization. |
4. | Self Propelled Three Row Potato Seeding Device | Product prototype developed. The innovator desires to move to the next phase of DSIR support (PRISM Phase II: Enterprise Incubation) for commercialization of his product. |
5. | Solar Powered DC / BLDC Motor Operated Kerosene Dispensing Unit with Biometric / Bar-Code Based Access Control for PDS | Product prototype developed successfully. The innovator desires to move to the next phase of DSIR support (PRISM Phase II: Enterprise Incubation) for commercialization of his product. |
6. | Low Specific Cost Solar Parabolic Dish Concentrator System | Full scale demonstration unit developed successfully. The innovation has won awards in all the three categories of the Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2014. |
7. | An Innovative Technology for Recharging Alluvial Aquifers | Process developed and demonstrated successfully. The Innovator has received additional funding from the NABARD for monitoring the plant for three years. The innovator has received a grant from NABARD on the strength of the potential benefits. |