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সিএসআইআর - সেন্ট্রাল মেকানিক্যাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং রিসার্চ ইনস্টিটিউট, বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি মন্ত্রণালয়, ভারত সরকার सीएसआईआर - केंद्रीय यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान, विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार CSIR - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Ministry of S&T, Govt. of India
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Last updated : 1 Jan, 2024

Director’s Desk

CSIR‐Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur – 713209 [India]

Message from the
Director’s Desk

Dr. Naresh Chandra Murmu


Greetings to all!

A lot of pride and honour beholds my heart as I take over the Stewardship of this Great Institution named CSIR-CMERI. This Institution has had a glorious past as it has contributed tremendously towards the ushering in of the Green Revolution in India, by dedicating the indigenously developed Swaraj Tractor to the Nation. Subsequently, over the years CSIR-CMERI has evolved to be a State-of-the-Art Premier Research Laboratory in the domain of Mechanical Engineering and allied areas. The Suri-Transmission a breakthrough in the domain of Engineering, has been a phenomenal and indispensable contribution of CSIR-CMERI.

Over the years this Institution has further evolved and has contributed towards the Society by developing the Mechanised Drain Cleaning Vehicle, Municipal Solid and Liquid Waste Management, Mob Control Vehicle, an array of Anti-CoVID technologies. The core research areas of the Institute are Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, Farm Mechanization, Renewable Energy, Electric Mobility, Aero systems, Advanced design and Simulation, Tribology, Smart Foundry, NDT and Condition monitoring.

The technology landscape of the Nation has been witnessing disruptive and paradigm shifts with the advent of some path breaking technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Sustainably Engineered Materials, Internet-of-Things and a revolutionary change in the Communications Technology Field with the advent of 5G Technology. Thus, the R&D orientation of CSIR-CMERI will be carefully crafted so as to align itself with the Technological Pulse of the Nation, by steadily moving towards Technology domains such as Climate Change Deterrence Technologies, adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Automation, Smart Farming and Smart Foundry. In keeping view of above, Smart Farm Machines & Technology, Intelligent Inspection & Collaborative Robots, Smart Manufacturing (AI/ML in Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing), Technologies for EV/FCEV & Renewable Energy and Indigenous Technologies for Societal & Strategic Sectors.

Today in this Globalised Economy, where any event has a cascading domino effect on the entire planet, it is very important to consolidate the Domestic Economy of the Nation. One of the primary verticals of our National Economy is the Industrial Landscape of the Nation. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the parent Institution of CSIR-CMERI was mandated with the task of aiding the Industry of the Nation with necessary Technology interventions. CSIR-CMERI down the line envisions to continue fulfilling that mandate with full vigour and enthusiasm.

The MSMEs are the life-blood of the Indian Economy. They contribute a mammoth share of the National GDP and thus holds priority value for CSIR-CMERI. Sustained and Productive interactions with the MSMEs of the Nation, will provide a Welcome Challenge for CSIR-CMERI. That is to aid their efforts with critical technological interventions from the Institute.

Fossil Fuels is steadily becoming a huge Ecological and Economical burden for the Nation. Carbon Neutrality has been one of the primary focal points for the National Policy showcase. The various incidents around the globe has further emphasized the fact that there is a need for accelerating the acceptance of Renewable Energy Systems so as to reduce Fossil Fuel dependence and the uncertainty associated with the volatility in its prices. Thus, CSIR-CMERI also intends to converge its R&D focus on Cleaner and Greener Technologies. It is my vision 2030 at the helm of affairs at CSIR-CMERI, that this Institution will be able to develop Clean, Green and Environmentally Responsible Energy Systems with indigenously sourced materials and with a sound and robust Entrepreneurial potential embedded in itself.

Another major dimension that I intend to steer CSIR-CMERI’s Research direction, is towards another significant initiative in terms of National Energy Security, i.e. Type IV Hydrogen Storage Systems. Any major breakthrough in the domain of Hydrogen Storage will have manifold and significant implications for the National and Global Economy.

These initiatives collectively will have a massive impact in terms of consolidating the fundamentals of an Atma Nirbhar Bharat, by boosting Import-Substitution, Export-Promotion and dramatically improving the National Balance of Payments figures, in terms of international trade.

Simultaneously, My efforts would also be directed towards encouraging the Intellectual Property Framework of CSIR-CMERI by encouraging our Scientific Human Resources to contribute incessantly towards fortifying the IPR Portfolio of the Institute. My Vision of a High Average Impact Factor for every accepted publication from the Institute, can only be realised through tireless dedication of the Scientists of the Nation.

Another major vertical I intend to pursue for the Institute is to expand the Awareness Reach of the cutting-edge activities of the Institute through constant and fruitful interactions with the members of the Industry, Entrepreneurs and the Youth. Lab Visits and Interaction with Scientists would be further strengthened through a bolstered Knowledge Dissemination Mechanism by harnessing the power of Digital Media, Social Media and Interaction Platforms such as Human Resource Exchanges, Seminars and Conferences.

I thank the vibrant CSIR-CMERI community comprising scientists, students, technical & administrative staffs for their persistent efforts in upholding the eminence of this Institution, time and again.

In the way forward, CSIR-CMERI would emerge as the Key Technology Provider to the Nation in Mechanical Engineering & Allied Areas by 2030 & Play central role in Innovation process in Indian Industry & Socio-Economic development of Country. I intend to establish a ‘Brand CMERI’ which will be synonymous with the terms ‘Reliability, Efficiency, Performance and Novelty’.

I welcome you all to be a part of our mission, and help realize the Vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister of India - ‘Make in India! Make for the World!’

Jai Hind!!


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