Welcome, Friday , Mar , 14 , 2025 | 18:32 IST
Welcome, Friday , Mar , 14 , 2025 | 18:32 IST
Application Number: 202011006018
Filing Date: 12 February 2020
Inventors: Dr. Harish Hirani Dr. Asit Kumar Batabyal Dr. Priyabrata Banerjee
Other Inventors: Riyanka Das, Sourav Bej
The present invention provides a safe, efficient, non-pollutant, non-toxic, eco-friendly adsorption based waste water treatment technology towards fulfilling of the task like “Swatch Bharat” &“Swatch Neer” Mission. Deployment of this specially engineered waste water treatment technology will be of immense importance in relevance to the conservation of fresh water resources. The present development is comprised of a preliminary sedimentation unit, main filtration unit comprised of three filtration sub-units along with one multi-stage purification unit and a fresh water storage chamber. Uniqueness of this invention is the use of chemically and thermally modified waste bio-materials like zinc nitrate treated coconut shell charcoal, egg shell and geo-materials resembling treated clay, gravels, sand etc. as effluent water treatment media. Moreover, a specially R & D developed ferrite impregnated activated alumina adsorbent is also used in the plant towards enhancement of the water contaminants adsorption capability and upliftment of water quality. The advantage of the present invention is the environment-friendly disposal of the sludge materials formed as a byproduct in the waste water treatment plant. The in situ generated sludge produced from several disposed adsorbent materials like naturally abundant sand, charcoal, gravels etc. are modified post-synthetically to a high density non-leachable sludge for producing construction materials like brick, pavement tiles etc.
Patent Type: Filed
Place of Patent: India