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Last updated : 11 Apr, 2019

Portable magnifying instrument useful for colposcopy

Patent Number: 8422130

Application Number: 12/593589

Filing Date: 3 March 2008

Issue Date: 16 April 2013

Inventors: Dr. Tapas Gangopadhyay Mr. Sankar Karmakar Mr. Munshi Amirul Alam

Other Inventors: UdaySankar Ghosh, Mihir Kumar Banerjee, Gour Chandra Chatterjee


A portable magnifying instrument useful for colposcopy is provided which may include in combination an optical system capable of providing a distortion free clear continuously varying 10 times to 15 times magnification of a three-dimensional wide object; an integrated energy efficient, low powered and intensity controlled illumination system; a power pack and mounting. The optical system may have an eyepiece lens system and an objective lens system. The illumination system may have a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs) connected to the power pack; mounted in such a manner that the angle between the LEDs is maintained with respect to the optical axis of the lens system and that the light beam from the said LEDs impinges on the wide object to be observed at the focus of the said lens system.

IPC Classifications: G02B23/00

Patent Type: Granted

Place of Patent: United States