Welcome, Tuesday , Feb , 11 , 2025 | 18:26 IST
Welcome, Tuesday , Feb , 11 , 2025 | 18:26 IST
Renewable, as well as a clean source of energy from bio-degradable waste.
Biogas production from organic waste is a well-developed technology. In this process CSIR-CMERI has incorporated different technological interventions to make the process more mechanized and efficient. Biomass Grinder cum Stirrer in a single unit where grinding and String is beingdone simultaneously. Automatic gas evacuation system sensing the position of the floating dome mitigating the manual intervention. Recycling of the slurry water improves the gas production yield and fresh water consumption.
Disposal of organic waste improve environment, sanitation and hygiene of the surrounding area. Biogas is cheap and clean fuel which is a substitute to LPG.
By-product of the biogas generation process is enriched organic (digestate), which is a supplement tochemical fertilizers.
A simple and low-cost technology that encourages a circular economy through minimal or manual intervention.
Biogas is cheap and clean fuel which is a substitute to LPG.
Gas generated through bio-digestion is non-polluting; it actually reduces greenhouse emissions (i.e. reduces the greenhouse effect). Digestate is enriched organic fertilizer supplement to chemical fertilizers.Reduced Soil and Water Pollution by recycling and not allowing toxic liquids to drain or underground water sources.