Welcome, Wednesday , Mar , 12 , 2025 | 10:21 IST
Welcome, Wednesday , Mar , 12 , 2025 | 10:21 IST
Generation of high quality manure, which would be weedless and an excellent soil conditioner. One kg kitchen waste produces 0.5 m3 biogas. Methane burns with a blue flame without producing any smoke or soot. For a typical urban household, biogas (having CV of almost 6600 kCal / kg) saves about 100 kg of LPG or 250 litres of kerosene per year, which is equivalent to 300 kg to 600 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year.
A substantial portion of food waste is biodegradable (38-40%) which can be used to generate methane. Environment friendly disposal of waste, which is need of hour considering mass pollution everywhere. Generation of fairly good amount of fuel gas for cooking, which will definitely support the dwindling energy resources and provide self-reliance to the households for cooking.