IPR Status:
Secured In:
Parking slot identification using a mobile application for smart cities.
Salient Technical Competing Features:
- Modular, Scalable and Low False Alarm Rate
- Easy to lay-out in large scale open / covered parking space
- Near real-time updation of parking space availability on a PDA
- Deploy ready in an existing parking space
Environmental Consideration:
- Smart parking reduces car emissions in urban ambience
- Reduces need for people to needlessly circle for parking space
- Permits cities to carefully manage their parking supply
Status of Commercialization:
Technology has been transferred to one MSME client.
Major Raw Materials To Be Utilized :
Sensors, electronics, PCBs, routers, switches, Microcontrollers
Techno Economic:
Available on Enquiry Basis. Manufacturing cost : Rs. 1.0 Lakh (for10 slots) Return of Investment : Less than one year
Level/Scale of Development:
System has been developed for 25 such parking slots and is operational since one year in CSIR-CMERI residential campus