Welcome, Wednesday , Mar , 12 , 2025 | 01:16 IST
Welcome, Wednesday , Mar , 12 , 2025 | 01:16 IST
This process is for safe disposal of arsenic-rich sludge generated from arsenic removal plants. In these plants, large quantity of sludge is generated which contains about 5-7 kg. of arsenic per cubic meter of sludge. This sludge is hazardous as per the Resource Conservancy and Recovery Act (RCRA) of USEPA and it contains arsenic much above the permissible standard (0.2 g./m3) for its direct disposal into the inland water environment (CPCB-MEF, GoI, 1995–1996) as it has very high leaching potential.
Arsenic contamination in groundwater and its consequences to the human health have been reported as one of the world’s biggest natural groundwater calamities known to mankind.
This process is designed for stabilization of arsenic contaminated water treatment sludge for its environmental safe disposal and converting it into products having commercial uses like bricks, concrete blocks, pavement tiles etc. It is very practicable, economical and long lasting. The solidified products meet the specified strength requirement for use in civil construction works and leaching of arsenic is far below the permissible limit.
The salient features of Arsenic solidification process are:
IPR Details :
Patent filed on “Process for Safe Disposal of Arsenic-rich Sludge Generated from Arsenic removal Plant” – CSIR Patent No.0265NF2015, Application No. 201611014779; dated 28/04/2016
Copyright filed on “Process for Stabilization/Solidification of Arsenic contaminated Water Treatment Residuals” – IPMG/Copyright/2015/03