Welcome, Sunday , Feb , 09 , 2025 | 12:59 IST
Welcome, Sunday , Feb , 09 , 2025 | 12:59 IST
According to World Health Organization (WHO), five million people die due to disease caused by faulty disposal system and poor collection practices of waste over the years. As per the report of WHO, there are twenty-two diseases which are directly related to improper management of solid waste. The rodent and vector insects transmit various diseases like dysentery, cholera, plague, typhoid, infective hepatitis and other.
Pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of wastes in absence of air that generates a gas often called syngas, liquid oil and solid material called char consisting of ash and carbon. Conversion of waste plastic to fuel minimizes the dumping of plastic into the environment. Different types of heating methodology have been developed i.e. electrical resistance heating; combination of diesel and regenerative syn-gas; combination of biogas and regenerative syn-gas; combination of pyrolysis oil and diesel. After filtration and distillation pyrolysis oil can be utilized as Petro Alternate Fuel (PAF), which can be used in industrial boilers and generators as it has equivalent properties of diesel.
The process is environment-friendly which produces minimal toxins to become released in to the environments since the conversion happens in the anaerobic chamber. No un-burnt gases are emitted into the environment. Promotes environmental protection. State Pollution Control Board has issued “Consent to Operate” for the plant.