Welcome, Wednesday , Mar , 26 , 2025 | 02:17 IST
Welcome, Wednesday , Mar , 26 , 2025 | 02:17 IST
Place: MIDI, Ethiopia
Duration: 21.11.2019 to 20.12.2019
Training Program on Fundamentals of Applied Mechanics and Design
Experts from CSIR-CMERI: Dr. Sambhunath Nandy, Sr. Pr. Scientist, Dr. Abhijit Mahapatra, Pr. Scientist, Sh. Amit Kumar, Sr. Scientist.
Number of Participants: Seven (07)
Details: Retraining program with theoretical lectures (with extensive exercise of solving numerical problems) along with practical implications has been conducted. Broad topics on Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Vibrations, Mechanics of Materials and Machine Design, Engineering Mechanics (Statics) and Mechanics of Materials were covered. All the lectures were accompanied in the relevant domains. Assignments and tests were inherent part of the curriculum.
Industrial visits:
1. M/s Frankun Automotive Manufacturing PLC, Addis Ababa.
2. M/s Erkabna Transformer Generator Manufacturing PLC, Addis Ababa
Place: MIDI, Ethiopia
Duration: 06.07.2019 to 07.08.2019
Training Program on CNC Programming in Manufacturing
Experts from CSIR-CMERI: Mr. Rakesh Kumar Padhi, Sr. Tech. Officer(2), Mr. Viji Kannan Sr. Tech. Officer(2), Mr. SY Pujar, Sr. Tech. Officer(1), Mr. Arup Majumder, Tech. Officer.
Number of Participants: Twelve (12)
Details: Class room training and hands on practical training were carried out.10 participants from MIDI, Ethiopia and 02 participants from Ministry of Trade and Industry Govt of Ethiopia took the course. At regular interval, examinations for theory as well as practical had been conducted based on the syllabus taught. Hands on training on CNC Milling and live working demonstration of CNC Die sinking machines were given.
Place: MIDI, Ethiopia
Duration: 03.06.2019 to 28.06.2019
Training Program on Metrology and Calibration
Experts from CSIR-CMERI: Dr. Swapan Barman, Principal Scientist and Mr. Rabisankar Mondal, Tech. Officer.
Number of Participants: Twelve (12)
Details: Theoretical lectures and hands on practical classes have been conducted. Out of 12 chapters of entire course, seven chapters have been completed at MIDI, Ethiopia and rest five chapters will be completed at CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur at next session when MIDI personnel will visit to CSIR-CMERI for taking training. There were 10 participants from MIDI and 02 participants from other Ministries of Ethiopian Govt.
Place: MIDI, Ethiopia
Duration: 21.10.2019 to 18.11.2019
Training Program on Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Experts from CSIR-CMERI: Dr. Lalgopal Das, Principal Scientist and Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Ghosh, Principal Scientist.
Number of Participants: Fifteen (15)
Details: The course broadly covered Introduction to fluid power, fundamental of fluid mechanics comprising of basic components of hydraulic/pneumatic systems, operation mechanism of direction control valve, pneumatic system, basic features of some hydraulic pumps and motors. The course also covered the basic components of pneumatic system, different types of compressors, working principles of hydraulic actuators, reciprocating compressor, accessories and compressor control circuit, logics of hydraulic circuit diagram. The theoretical as well as practical training were imparted successfully to the participants.