Welcome, Tuesday , Mar , 11 , 2025 | 23:22 IST
Welcome, Tuesday , Mar , 11 , 2025 | 23:22 IST
Designation : Chief Scientist
Specialised in : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Joining at CSIR on : 31/3/1997
Joining at CMERI on : 31/3/1997
Dr. Debashis Ghosh graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from R. E college, Durgapur, India in 1991 and subsequently obtained ( M-Tech) and PhD in Materials & Metallurgical Engineering. He joined in Central Mechanical engineering Research Institute, Durgapur(Under CSIR) in 1997 as Scientist-B and still continues as Principal scientist in same organization. During this period, he rendered useful services like Residual Life Assessment (RLA), Condtion Assessment and Failure analysis to Industries mainly power and process plant industries. Apart from the industrial work , he also engaged in various research projects in the area of high temperature corrosion , corrosion resistant protective coating, nanostructured coating, high temperature damage assessment and Material characterization.
He also worked as member in international Indo Canadian Boiler Emission and Upgradation project at GRI and Dalhousie university, Halifax ,Canada in 2003 and also visited several CFB plants in USA and Canada. He is a fellow member of Institution of Engineers (IIE) and ordinary member of NACE International.
He has published 40 nos of research papers in SCI Journal and 10 papers in national and international conferences. He is also the course coordinator of recently launched post graduate diploma programme in industrial maintenance engineering in CMERI. He is the recipient of Metallurgist award in 2004 from Indian Institute of Metals , Durgapur Local chapter for significant contribution in Residual Life Assessment (RLA) study of Industrial components.
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Phone : 0343-6452083(Office) 7063574885(Residence) 9474557250(Mobile)
E-mail :dghosh[at]cmeri[dot]res[dot]in