Welcome, Thursday , Mar , 06 , 2025 | 20:57 IST
Welcome, Thursday , Mar , 06 , 2025 | 20:57 IST
Designation : Senior Principal Scientist
Specialised in : Nano structured Composites & Ceramics, Mechanical behavior study of materials ,Statistical Modeling & Optimization
Joining at CSIR on : 2/9/2004
Joining at CMERI on : 2/9/2004
Nilrudra Mandal received his PhD (engineering) degree from Jadavpur University, India, in 2014 after obtaining his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the same university in 2003. After spending one year in the processing industry, he started his career as a scientist at the CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur, India, in 2004. He is actively involved in several externally funded and CSIR networked projects in the fields of advanced materials, nanocomposites, ceramics, tribology, etc. In the last few years, he has completed DST & SERB sponsored projects on wear resistant ceramics, self-lubricating ceramics, transparent or translucent zirconia ceramics etc. Apart from that, he is currently working on an ARDB-sponsored project on screw extruder-based additive manufacturing system for developing ceramic cores to be used for turbine blade casting and is also actively involved in the DST project for the establishment of a Network Centre of Excellence on Wear and Corrosion-Resistant Coating with multiple industries and institutes. He has successfully developed indigenous ceramic cutting inserts for high-speed machining that can replace carbide or coated carbide inserts, mostly used in industries. His research interests include composite materials, metal cutting, nanotechnology, tribology, mathematical modelling, optimization techniques, etc. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed national and international journals and presented many papers at different conferences in India and abroad. He has guided many M. Tech students, and two students have been awarded PhD degrees under his supervision. Currently, six students are doing their doctoral work under his guidance. He is a life member of the Tribology Society of India and Secretary of the Investment Casting Society (ICS) of India. He was awarded the Production Engineering Division Prize at the 32nd Indian Engineering Congress in Chennai on December 21, 2017. He has also received the “Malaviya Award 2021" from the Council of the “Indian Ceramic Society." He is presently working as a Senior Principal Scientist and Heading the Coatings & Surface Engineering Group at CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur.
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Phone : 9434021941(Office) +91-343-2605844(Residence) +91-9932399947(Mobile)
E-mail :n_mandal[at]cmeri[dot]res[dot]in