Welcome, Tuesday , Mar , 11 , 2025 | 23:48 IST
Welcome, Tuesday , Mar , 11 , 2025 | 23:48 IST
Designation : Principal Scientist
Specialised in : Thermal Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Joining at CSIR on : 3/6/2010
Joining at CMERI on : 3/6/2010
Dr. Bittagopal Mondal has received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Guwahati on July 2008. After PhD Thesis submission, Mr. Mondal worked as research associate at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of University of Pretoria, South Africa. After receiving the PhD Degree, Dr. Mondal joined as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engg. of University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (Nov 2008 – May 2010). He joined CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute as a Scientist in June 2010. He Received a prestigious fellowship named as Indo-US Research Fellowship Program 2013 and visited the Texas A & M University, College Station, USA as Indo-US Research Fellow for 01 year (February 2014 to February 2015). Dr. Mondal has about 70 research publications in peer reviewed International Journals and Conferences. His main research areas are conjugate mode heat transfer, thermal management, two phase flow, wake dynamics and application of the lattice Boltzmann method to solve the fluid flow and heat transfer problems. He is the reviewer of many reputed journals and conferences in the area of heat transfer and computational fluid dynamics.
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Phone : +91-343-6510418(Office) +91-7001170469(Mobile)
E-mail :b_mondal[at]cmeri[dot]res[dot]in