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সিএসআইআর - সেন্ট্রাল মেকানিক্যাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং রিসার্চ ইনস্টিটিউট, বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি মন্ত্রণালয়, ভারত সরকার सीएसआईआर - केंद्रीय यांत्रिक अभियांत्रिकी अनुसंधान संस्थान, विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार CSIR - Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Ministry of S&T, Govt. of India
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Profile Details

Dr. Shantanu Kumar Das did his Bachelor of Technology degree from Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha in 2012 and obtained his Master of Technology degree in mechanical and industrial engineering (Specialization: CAD, CAM and Robotics) from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, in 2014. He has earned the Ph.D. degree from Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department (Specialization: CAD/CAM/Automation), IIT Roorkee, India, in 2020. His research interests include Computer-Aided Design, Design Automation, Product Design, Knowledge-based Engineering, Additive Manufacturing, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Material characterization. He has contributed in several SCI/SCIE/Scopus/UGC care listed, international, national journals, conferences and seminars; and guided many graduate students.

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