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Last updated : 8 Jun, 2020

Designing of Beam stoppers for super FRS in FAIR Project

A large international accelerator facility – the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) - is being built at GSI (Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung), Darmstadt (Hesse), Germany. FAIR is formed by an International treaty on 4th October 2010 with an investment proposal in the order of 250 billion Euros by participating countries (http://www.fair-center.eu) and will be realized in stages. The Republic of India signed the FAIR convention on 4 October 2010 in Wiesbaden, Germany and India’s contribution to the FAIR construction to be in kind. India is the third largest shareholder in FAIR science project and is represented by Indo Fair Coordination Committee (IFCC), formed by Department of Science and Technology (DST) and department of Atomic Energy (DAE). India’s participation is in the design and development of magnets, detectors and beam stoppers which is a significant step towards International collaborative research and “Make in India” philosophy.

Project Number:
Project Type:
Project Date:
01/09/2014 to 30/09/2023
Cost of the Project:
Rs 497.89 lakhs
Sponsoring Agency:
Bose Institute BI-IFCC,Kolkata on behalf of DST & DAE

Beam dumps (synonymously used for beam stoppers or beam catchers in this context) are primarily energy intercepting and dissipating devices. They are widely used for intercepting beams of various energy levels, starting from laser to very high energy accelerators beams like electron/positron beam, proton/antiproton beam, ion beam etc. Obviously, beam dumps are extremely important systems of large modern accelerator facilities both for basic and applied research as well as nuclear power applications. 

Since beam dumps are to be designed to safely absorb and dissipate the particle energy, the primarily technological challenges are to distribute the huge thermal gradient compounded by thermal shockwaves and material irradiation damage. In addition to that, downstream ion-optical systems are protected from radiation damage

PI Members:
Dr. Helmut Weick FAIR@GSI)
Name of PI: Dr. Avik Chatterjee