Welcome, Tuesday , Feb , 11 , 2025 | 16:35 IST
Welcome, Tuesday , Feb , 11 , 2025 | 16:35 IST
IPR Status: Patent
Level/Skill of Department: Ready for commercialization
Major raw materials to be utilized : SS sheet, Control Valve, SS net, Filter media
Status of commercialization: Ready for commercialization
Techno-economic: Cost of water: 02 paisa/L(approx.).
Technology package: Technical information, engineering drawing, operation & maintenance
IPR Status: Patent
Level/Skill of Department: Prototype development is complete and is tested in laboratory for ~500 hours. Furthermore the prototype is also tested by third parties during skill development programs.
Major raw materials to be utilized : Linear translation stages, indigenous developed CNC controller card, indigenous laser driver, laser head, mild steel for fabrication of machine chassis, honeycomb breadboard.
Major Equipments: Printed circuit board fabrication facility for controller card printing (can be printed from GERBER included in technology package), CNC machine for fabrication of machine chassis.
Status of commercialization: Technology has been transferred to one of the Indian Industry on non-exclusive basis and it is under production & commercialization
Techno-economic: The technology has high commercial value since it is indigenous in terms of controller and software where debugging, manufacturing and warranty aspects are easier than commercially available machines in market.
IPR Status: Patent
Level/Skill of Department: TRL-08
Status of commercialization: Ready for commercialization on non-exclusive basis
Techno-economic: Available on enquiry basis. It reduces energy consumption by up to 70% without compromising public safety and citizen comfort. Payback period: 2 years @ 70% savings
Technology package: Component details, circuit diagram and technical documents
IPR Status: Patent
Major raw materials to be utilized : Geo-materials (media based adsorbent) used for removal
Status of commercialization: Technology has been transferred
Techno-economic: Available on enquiry basis
Technology package: Design drawings (Working prototype is with CMERI)
IPR Status: Patent
Major raw materials to be utilized : Naturally available materials used for removal
Status of commercialization: Technology has been transferred
Techno-economic: Available on enquiry basis.
Technology package: Design drawings (Working prototype is with CMERI)
IPR Status: Patent
Level/Skill of Department: Commercially manufactured
Status of commercialization: Technology has been licensed to M/s Victor Industries Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Techno-economic: Available on enquiry basis
IPR Status: Copyright
Major raw materials to be utilized : Cartridges are comprised of naturally available sand, gravels along with R & D modified multifunctional natural adsorbents
Status of commercialization: The commercial filtration unit addressing the defluoridation of water is rarely available in the market. The developed filtration unit could be promising for commercialization.
Techno-economic: Defluoridation plant comprising of naturally abundant adsorbents materials in the market is unavailable till now. Developed filtration plant will be very much effective in commercialization.The developed prototype may be deployed in several govt. sector.
Technology package: Design drawings (Working prototype is with CMERI)
IPR Status: Copyright
Level/Skill of Department: Production ready
Major raw materials to be utilized : Steel scrap, High quality Pig iron, foundry returns, ferroalloy and foundry chemicals like sodium silicate, CO2 gas and silica sand, refractory paints. Heat treatment salt
Major Equipments: Induction melting Furnace, Converter/ladle for Mg treatment of liquid iron, Heat treatment furnace, Fettling equipment, Lathe and Milling machine
Status of commercialization: Technology has been transferred to one Indian Industry in non-exclusive basis.
Techno-economic: Available on enquiry basis. ADI components are 20-30% less costly than steel counter parts
Technology package: Technology package for above ADI components can be handed over to the industries as and when required. The ADI process technology developed at CSIR –CMERI, can also be extended for manufacturing of other complex geometry engineering components.
IPR Status: Others
Level/Skill of Department: MSW Management Pilot Plant
Status of commercialization: Ready to transfer
Techno-economic: Available on enquiry basis
Technology package: Complete manufacturing & electrical drawing, Technological Knowhow
IPR Status: Design Registration
Level/Skill of Department: Prototype development in an operational environment
Major raw materials to be utilized : Offsite from wheat / paddy straw, dry leaves, rice husk, grass, saw dust etc. and different binders like starch, molasses, animal fat, paper pulp etc.
Status of commercialization: Transferred to one Indian Industry and is in process for commercialization
Techno-economic: Available on Enquiry Basis