Welcome, Tuesday , Feb , 11 , 2025 | 16:59 IST
Welcome, Tuesday , Feb , 11 , 2025 | 16:59 IST
Bruker's mechanical testers and tribometer provide the most comprehensive and versatile means of investigating tribology—friction, wear, load, hardness, and lubrication.
Type of Facility : Metallographic Equipments
The contact angle measuring system is primarily used to study the automatic measurements of the wetting behavior of the solid and as well as for series tests and systematic surface analysis.
Type of Facility : Metrological Instruments
The Malvern Zetasizer provides exceptionally high performance that incorporate combinations of a particle size analyzer, zeta potential analyzer.
Type of Facility : Testing/Calibration
The SpectroVisc Automatic Viscometer is a bench-top semi-automatic kinematic temperature bath viscometer optimized for the analysis of used and new lubricants.
Type of Facility : Testing/Calibration
The new alpha300 series consists of advanced Raman, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) imaging systems.
Type of Facility : Testing/Calibration
For testing underwater systems.
Type of Facility : Robotics and Automation Facilities
For testing underwater systems.
Type of Facility : Robotics and Automation Facilities
For testing underwater systems.
Type of Facility : Robotics and Automation Facilities